About Conrad

1237061_10201293114985180_901646942_nConrad Romo is a second generation L.A. native. He grew up on the other side of the tracks (N.E.L.A.) short, stocky and swarthy. The first album that he bought was the soundtrack to the movie Bonnie and Clyde.  The first concert he attended was ’68 for The Cream.  He has been the subject of artwork five times. On the Oprah show during a segment on safe sex a comedian girlfriend referenced him as having participated in prolonged and very enjoyable kissing which then brought a response from the audience that in unison went oooooOOOOOOOOoooo. Conrad has made his daily bread as a door to door salesman and as a telephone solicitor for over 30 years and some of the things that he’s sold has been boxed meat,  bad art, eel skin leather products, office supplies, oil and gas leases, chimney cleaning,  DVD/CD replication services, and fund raising for the Libertarian,  Democratic parties and police benevolent associations just to mention a few. He grew up Catholic, then a Scientologist and is now a Zen Buddhist for the duration. He would like to thought of as a man’s man and a lady’s man neither of which are true, but at least he is a dogs best friend and his rescue mutt is named Abbie, a Lab/Pit mix.

He has studied writing with Lynda Barry and Jack Grapes. He’s been published in Los Angeles Review, Latinos in Lotusland, Tu Ciudad, Palehouse, Silver Birch and online at Splicetoday.

Conrad is one of the co-founders of the NoHo Lit Crawl which will return October 23rd at 15 venues on Lankershim and Magnolia in North Hollywood and will include 20 spoken word presenters. Conrad, aside from producing and hosting his monthly literary event at The Hotel Café has also produced events at the Annenberg Beach House, The Grand Performances Stage ( one a celebration of Boyle Heights with Japanese, Jewish and Mexican writers and a tribute to Charles Bukowski),  Cuentos a special reading event with Latino writers at de Cultura y Artes. He has curated  and produced literary events for the Inkslam in Los Angeles, the Silverlake Jubilee, the West Hollywood Book Fair as well as several  events in New York City. In July 2005 he singlehandedly produced Palabrazilla, two night of 12 spoken word forces from all around L.A under one roof with a celebration of poetry, storytelling, short fiction and personal essays at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood. This past October he was one of the founders of the NoHo Litcrawl evening that included 12 venues and 20 different literary happenings.

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